
Saturday, March 26, 2011

I forgot!

So I forgot, I had a birthday a couple weeks ago. The big 2-4! I am now officially in my mid-twenties. I went home, had a great time with family and Kelli Shaddox (a.k.a. preggers!). Loved listening to the crazy kids, eating momma Duren's cooking and reminiscing my shop-a-holic days. Can't wait til my older sis comes home (also preggers! something has got to be in the water!) and brings my cutie niece Kiah. Salute to my brother-in-law who will be serving our country in Afghanistan starting the end of April. More to come on all of this I'm sure. I don't mean to complain about my life. I know I am so very blessed! Its just easy to forget sometimes when I spend so much time focused on me.

The mundane

I feel like the creativity has been drained out of my mind. Seriously, whose brilliant idea was it to write papers for a living? Oh goodness, that was me!
Sorry I haven't written in a super long time. I have literally been drowning in work. Even when its not actual work, the thought of work and writing is constantly on my mind. I have started about 10 blogs over the last three weeks, with great intentions to publish them. Then somewhere after the third paragraph I can't think anymore.
My brother told me when I first started this blog that I don't have to be all fancy with it. That I should just write about my days and let everyone know what's going on in my life. Unfortunately, that's as good as its going to get today. So here goes it....
It is Friday night! Thank you Jesus! This week, and the subsequent three or four weeks have all flown by at lightning speed. The days seem long, but the weeks seem short. I am constantly on the go and am in need of a vacation stat! I am afraid to slow down though, for fear I will realize the craziness that is my life. If I keep busy then I don't have to think about all the things I don't want to think about. At night I have actually been falling asleep fairly quickly. That is pretty rare for me. Since my sophomore year of college it has taken me a good hour or more to fall asleep once I'm in my bed. I think my body is actually getting worn out from early mornings and late nights. (Its the age thing kicking in. lol.) This is good though because before that was my time to sort out all my thoughts. These days my thoughts aren't worth sorting.
I miss a lot of my friends. I have decided I am a bad friend because I don't make much time to call and check up on people. I don't get time off to take road trips to see those I've been missing. And I don't even take the time to say "hey" on a Facebook wall anymore. Sorry guys! I really do love and miss you. I just suck at life sometimes and unfortunately, this is another one of those times.
I am itching!!!! for Spring. I know it is technically here, but when there is still snow in the forecast, winter hasn't left yet. I refuse to get my hopes up of warmer weather, sun tans and flip flops. I long for the days of late night sand volleyball and bbq's. There I go, getting all excited about things that can't happen for at least another month or so. Ahh! Won't this winter ever end??
My pup is still growing. She's not too big, still looks like a puppy. Which is great because I'm not sure how much I could love a big dog. That may sound horrible, but I don't really like animals to begin with. Me getting a dog was a strange thing in the first place. I do like Charlotte, a lot. She has become a fixture in my life that I'm glad is there. Now if only we could stop the licking, snoring, farting and shedding. Hmm..maybe I'm not supposed to get married after all. Aren't those all characteristics of a man??
O.K. I'd say that is about all I've got for now. Northeast Iowa is starting to wear on me. I love the people, hate the weather, and am busier than all get out. I don't allow myself to think anymore. Subsequently, my creativity is seriously lacking. Sorry you get the brunt of it. Maybe I'll take some time this weekend to relax and get back at it next week. Until then, salutations friends! May your lives be less hectic than mine, and may the sun shine on your face soon.