The devastation of it all. So far confimed at 116 dead and over 1,150 injured! I can't even fathom what this must feel like. I scanned the Joplin Globe's website, viewing comment after comment from people desperate to find their loved ones. I couldn't help but cry as I'm sure most others would. A mile wide tornado, more severe storms throughout today and the rest of this week. We spend so much time gathering stuff and in an instance it can all be wiped out. A reality check for what matters in life.Hug your family, friends and neighbors, thank God they are still here and that you are too. This is a great reminder that I can't be afraid to share my faith and let people know there is a God who loves them and wants to spend eternity with them. While I'm don't think I know anyone who has lost their life in the Joplin tornadoes, knowing people who live there alone is enough to really hit home. Praying for the victims and the workers. Trying to figure out what I can do to help!
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