
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Who do you think you are?

Storms ripped through parts of Missouri again today. All of this severe weather is stressing me out and I'm not even in it! I've spent several hours searching through websites, watching videos and looking at pictures. I can't stop! Its like a train wreck, you want to look away, but you just can't. Not sure its good for me though, my emotions got the better of me today.  I saw a posting that a tornado had touched down in Sedalia, Mo. For those of you who don't know, my hometown in not too far from there, close enough that its scary to think about! I proceeded to check into the weather at home, on my screen I saw 13 tornado warnings issued in just one hour for several parts of the state. That's when I lost it. There I was sitting at my desk just crying. I tried to stop several times thinking how weird I would look had a co-worker stumbled upon my office. (I don't have a door, so I couldn't really hide!)
I choked back my tears as I called my parent's house to make sure everything was o.k. I should have known better then to be too worried. My mom of course had my nieces huddled in the bathroom safe and sound. I could hear my niece Jillian ask for some batteries. She had previously said she needed to go potty, and my mom and I were confused on why she would need batteries for that. Not sure we ever got to the bottom of that one.
I later talked to my dad who had pulled over to find a safe place after being a little too-close-for-comfort to the effected area. He found his way to a church basement along with a group of people who had just attended a funeral. He proceeded to tell me how he had a good ole time hanging out with the older ladies joking about how they could have had a quilt made in the hour and a half they were hidden away.
After work I called my brother Jeremy. He hadn't responded to my text message asking if he was safe in a basement somewhere. He of course, was not. Working like a crazy person as usual. I tried to get across my disapproval of him continuing to work when the sirens are going off. He is one of those un-teachables.
My worry subsided  though, as I realized that I am NOT in control. That is such a hard concept to get across to us women. The sound of my nieces voice, the ridiculous ramblings of my dad, and the attitude that is my brother, those are the great joys in life. Its weird to think that all my worries could be taken away by such simple things. Thankful am I that I am not in control, who knows where we'd be if I were. All I have to say about my emotional day is that God's totally got this. Who was I to doubt?

A few things I'm loving this week....
*Looking up baby names for a pregnant friend only to get some incredibly stupid comments. "Naomi? Imoan spelled backwards? Come on Jess!"
*Having an emotional breakdown for no reason. More than once I might add.
*Locating a wet spot on the concrete driveway thinking the 4-year-old got out the water hose, then finding out that was where he decided to go pee.


  1. I'm becoming addicted to your blog. I love you so much and the words just flow from you like a fountain.
    Thanks AGAIN!
    Pam :)

  2. My wife, kids, and I made it through too, thanks for checking.

  3. Thanks Pam! I don't always feel like writing, but glad you enjoy reading it. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with it.
