
Saturday, September 4, 2010

As the leaves begin to fall

It began to feel a lot like fall today. With just a couple of semi-chilly days a week or two ago, I noticed the neighbor's trees have already begun to turn colors. As I walk to work each morning it is impossible not to notice the growing number of leaves that twirl around my feet as they are carried in the brisk winds. Today was particularly alarming for me. Don't get me wrong, I love a cute cardigan and pair of leggings like most fashionable females. I am just not prepared for what comes next.
Call me a wimp, a southerner, whatever, I am NOT a big or even slight fan of the winter months. Last winter was quite the shock to my system when I was walking to work in negative temperatures and snow up to my thighs. Eek! Just the mere thought of having to get all bundled up just to walk outside and instantly feel my buggers freeze up. (sorry if this is gross, but its the truth and you know it!) I'm afraid the downward spiral into four months of temperatures and precipitation that can really only be described as ridiculous is well on its way.
Has anyone else noticed that everyone has an opinion on how bad winter will be? It cracks me up because I have probably heard from at least 10 people already mixed views on the severity of the next few months. Instead of trying to predict the weather, I like to use the "shock" test. I rarely ever check the weather before getting dressed and venturing out into the elements. Today I had a rude awakening as I walked outside in my open-toed sandals and light, short-sleeved dress shirt. The air hit me hard, but did I turn around and go back in for a sweater? You guessed it. I suffered. That is, until my lunch when I opted to grab a light sweater.
This evening I have sat in my apartment, after going to a 99 cent movie with a friend, and looked at the overwhelming mess that is my life. With a long weekend ahead, I have big plans to get everything sorted out and projects finished. Considering it is 3:30 a.m. as I write this, we'll see what happens. I have a tendency to stay up super late on Friday nights and sleep most of my Saturday away. A habit, I must admit, I enjoy thoroughly. On that note, I think my bed is calling my name. Until next time, I'm going to keep trucking on between life and laundry. Hmm...speaking of laundry, I think I'll add that to this weekend's list. Oh the exciting life I lead.

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