
Monday, December 20, 2010

Friendship at its best

The last two weeks have been a blur. Trying to keep my mind off certain things I have buried myself in work and after work activities. I am used to having more conversations than I have had lately, leaving me too much time to think, hence the need for distraction.
I saw a quote the other day that said, "if a friendship can cease to exist, then it wasn't a real friendship."
I don't know if I agree with that, but it definitely struck something in me. For each season of my life, elementary, middle school, high school, college, life after college before a big girl job, and now, my big girl job, I have made tons of friendships. Some still exist, some don't. But I look back on pretty much all of them with a smile. Even some that just ended without reason, I'm thankful for those people, for who they were during that time and for what they meant to me.
Its funny (and a little sad) how people fade in and out of your life. People I was great friends with just five years ago are rarely on my mind these days. There are even people I was great friends in college that I haven't seen or talked to since then. I am a firm believer that most things happen for a reason, whether we understand why or not. There are certain things that stick with you. I can recall a simple sentence said by a friend in college that replays through my mind at least once a month, as a reminder to keep my life in God's hands. The sentence wasn't an inspirational quote or Bible verse, but more a blow at the way my so called "Christian" life came across to her. It was a motivator in a sense to me, a challenge.
I say that to say I think people are there when they are supposed to be. Even if that girl and I were only friends so I could here that one sentence, and so it would remain in my mind. No one else in my life had those words for me, just her.
A good friendship of mine has recently digressed (by every fault of my own) and its made me a little more than sad. I hate how things change, (or don't in this case). Even though I didn't always feel like I was getting my opinion across or even trying to get my thoughts out, there is something therapeutic about talking to someone who you know won't judge you. Someone you know is going to listen because they need you as much as you need them. Someone who knows you well, and still likes to talk to you. Someone you trust, who trusts you as well. It was good to know I could pick up the phone and have all that history waiting on the end. With all the friends that I've had, only a few really know me, only a few have been there through thick and thin, watching all my faults and failures. It sounds silly when I say it like that. Shouldn't I want to get away from that? I guess not when you want real advice. I need someone who knows where I've been so they can give me thoughtful answers to life's most important questions. (Sorry, I'm getting a little over dramatic now.)
I don't really know what else to say about this other than this. I miss my friend. And although this seems like a ridiculous solution, what else were you to do?

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